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How to brew pressed PU-erh: Eastern recipe-Ukrainian preparation
Pressed tea, how to brew, or rather - how to brew pressed PU-erh correctly? This is an important question, especially for beginners who want to plunge into the world of Eastern tea art, but not somewhere in a tea cafe, but for example, at home with family or friendly company. After all, Chinese PU-erh tea is not just tea – it is one of the main values of the middle Kingdom, which has become popular all over the world. It is not just unique. It has a special charm that is closely associated with Eastern tradition. Raw materials of this variety are gaining strength over the years, like a good wine or cognac, giving you the opportunity to enjoy a unique taste and aroma, accompanied by smoky, herbal, fruit notes. The older the Puer, the more expensive it is. If you decide to start getting acquainted with elite Chinese teas, it is better to initially get acquainted with PU'er. It is one of a kind. No type of tea can compare with it. Before you start talking about the process of preparing compressed Puer, let's say a few words about what this Puer is. No wonder it is shrouded in secrets and legends?
Pressed PU'er tea is divided into two subspecies: Shu PU'er and Shen PU'er. Over the years, not only does their taste and aroma change, but their healing properties also increase.
Chinese tea pressed Shu Puer - a drink of juicy dark red, brown tones. It belongs to the black (red) varieties. The taste is tart, strong, with a slight bitterness. Ripened leaves and sometimes roots are used for its production. The raw material undergoes rapid fermentation, due to which there are woody notes in the aroma.
Pressed Chinese tea Shen PU'er tea belongs to the green varieties. The infusion has a translucent light Golden color. Older Members give a red-brown tone. The taste has a pleasant sourness, accompanied by a sweet aftertaste. The aroma is bright, with fruity notes. The production process consists in the fact that the newly collected young leaves are subjected to short-term heat treatment, dried and pressed. Then the whole leaves are placed in deep ceramic dishes, where they gain strength for many years.
Raw materials of both grades are pressed into certain forms, different in structure and weight. Puer tea pressed can have the form:
- Tortillas-weight from 100 grams to 5 kg.
- Flatbreads with a bowl-like recess. Weight from several grams to 3 kg and above.
- Pressed brick.
- A square with a hieroglyph imprint on its upper part.
- In the form of an ordinary forest mushroom. Usually in this form, tea is brought from Tibet.
- In the form of a pumpkin – the most ancient form used since the time of the Imperial courts.
How to brew pressed Puer correctly?
Chinese pressed PU-erh tea has the main property: the more years of brewing, the healthier, tastier, more refined the drink.
When a novice asks the question: how to brew pressed PU-erh? – in response, he usually waits for some long story about a unique tradition, thinking that it is all very difficult and unacceptable for a European. Some even believe that it is necessary to pass a whole course of training and only then brew PU-erh at home.
We can assure you that the cooking process is simple. You need to know some rules – and Puer will give all its value to water, and it, in turn, will allow You to repeatedly enjoy a delicious, flavorful drink that once tasted members of the Chinese Imperial families, and now You!
So, how to brew PU-erh tea pressed? How many times and how many times?
- Separate part of the leaves from the layer – from 3 to 5 grams (in the future, practice will tell you the dosage). In China, and already in Ukraine, masters and lovers of elite Chinese tea do this with a special Puer knife. But, you can also use an ordinary table item. The main thing is the method of separation: try not to break the layer, otherwise later broken tea gives a bitter taste.
- Put the raw material in a teapot, initially scalded with boiling water. Ideally, it should be a teapot made of high-quality Yixing clay, which will later be used only for making Puer. For those who are not familiar with Yixing clay, say-it has a unique property-gives the tea leaf the opportunity to" breathe", while absorbing the taste and aroma of the tea, and then gives it to the next brewing. Such a process gives everyone an exclusive infusion of flavors and aromatic qualities. If such dishes are not available, you can use a ceramic teapot or gaiwan.
- Raw materials in a heated dish will definitely give the first flavor. Breathe it in! Remove the lid and feel the smell of Chinese dry Puer-thin and soft, perfectly setting up for further tea drinking.
- pay special attention to water for brewing. It should be soft, clean, without additional odors that negatively affect the taste of tea. Bring it to a boil, but so that it does not boil «in the key». Fill Shen PU'er with 80-85°C water and Shu PU'er with 85-90°C.
- Immediately after filling, drain the water. This process is called "reviving" the tea leaf. The infusion is not drunk, but washes the raw material from dust, while opening the leaf at the initial stage.
- Again fill the teapot with water and now let it brew for up to 10 seconds. Pour the infusion into a chakhan-a vessel for plums. But, if such an item is not available at hand, you can immediately pour a hot drink into cups. Make sure that there is no water left in the teapot.
- Fill in the raw material again. Increase the infusion time to 30 seconds, and so on with each subsequent time. Puer, as a rule, can withstand Shu up to 10 brews, Shen - up to 6. the Taste and aroma of each infusion is different, so with each Cup You will be able to feel new notes of taste and aroma.
- How do I know That you are brewing PU-erh correctly? The main sign – it should not give bitterness.
Now you know how to brew pressed PU-erh tea. As you can see, there is no need to learn Chinese or go to China for special courses on Eastern tea parties. It is enough to know a few rules – and the drink will give You not only the pleasure of tasting it, but also the healing powers available in abundance in its Arsenal.
Drinking PU-erh tea in small SIPS is required in the form of heat. When cold, it will not give pleasure, losing its original taste and aroma. When too hot, shades are also lost.
Do not add honey or sugar. Aesthetes believe that only chocolate can emphasize the taste of Puer.
How to store PU'er?
Over the years, PU-erh loses its bitterness, herbiness, astringency, acquires sweetness and softness. The leaf gets red-brown shades, and the aroma notes of nuts, dried fruits, spices. To ensure that this is not lost, it is necessary to observe the correct storage of raw materials.
- Puer likes fresh air, so never pack it in an airtight container. The ideal option is a box that protects from dust. Sometimes paper envelopes and even fabric are used.
- Humidity should be average. Strongly dry air slows down the aging process of tea, wet-changes the raw material.
- Puer tea leaves are damaged by the sun's rays. Their hit – loss of taste and aroma.
- The kitchen is not suitable for storing Puer – it easily absorbs foreign odors. The best option is a shelf with books in the hall.
We believe that the question is: how to brew PU-erh pressed? – we answered informative and not difficult. Agree, the Eastern cooking recipe is really acceptable for the Ukrainian tradition. Pleasant tea parties, new sensations and good mood!
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